Adam Leventhal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> adopted OpenSolaris. My hope is that this community will be make the
> transition easier for themselves and others by answering the common
> questions (e.g. "ln -s truss strace"), _and_ will be a resource for
> people working on OpenSolaris to understand -- and address -- the
> comparative advantages and disavantages.

This looks like not trying to integrate them but letting them create their
own dirstrict...

Just check e.g. for /usr/sbin/strace :-) and you will see that this 
may be similar to letting people from England drive at the left side of the

> Perhaps this should be a broader "Immigrant" (or "Refugee"?) community
> with sub-communities for the operating systems of origin (Linux, *BSD,
> Windows, BeOS, Amiga, etc.).

If it is based on the idea of giving help, it makes sense.


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