On Sun 06 Nov 2005 at 23:46, Dan Price wrote:
>On Thu 03 Nov 2005 at 07:39AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>> Since I'm going to ask a question about some problems porting a
>> particular app to [Open]Solaris (in another thread), it occurred to
>> me: why not have a forum for that topic in general?  The more apps run
>> on [Open]Solaris, the better it is for everyone.  Further, in some
>Kudos.  I've been meaning to start such a community for some time now,
>but have been too busy.
>I strongly agree with this idea, and I think it would be good to
>investigate a multi-pronged approach:
>        - Create a place for porters to ask and answer technical
>          questions.
>        - Create a master "wish list" of open source apps we'd like to port:
>           - What the app is, what it does
>           - What needs porting (is it fine tuning? major functionality?
>             clean integration with SMF?... what's the issue?)
>           - Possible funding, bounties, etc.
>        - Educational materials/articles about porting.
>        - A list of identified problems with OS which are inhibiting
>          porting.
>        - Porting challenges: In other words-- "December's challenge
>          to the group is to port Audacity"
>Further thoughts?
>        -dp

- pointers to helpful external docs (not constituting endorsement, of course)

- discussion leading to guidance about where the line should be on Janus or
  other solutions making [Open]Solaris more accepting of foreign code vs where
  a native port would be more appropriate

- for native ports, discussion leading to feedback procedures to get changes
  incorporated in the original project's tree, so that ports aren't just
  for one version, but for the future too

- application build accounts, so that cross-platform project developers won't
  have the excuse of not having time or hardware on which to set up
  [Open]Solaris for themselves

- working with sites like blastwave.org and sunfreeware.com to get their
  build procedures out in the open and capture a summary of their experience
  and knowledge at getting (typically Linux) apps built on Solaris

- connection to zones community in terms of getting apps to work nicely
  in a zone, where that might be of value yet require extra changes

With the above (your list and mine) plus a few others that will hopefully
be suggested, it should be possible to get Solaris on a footing much closer
to that of Linux, give or take ideology (license) issues.  Also, this doesn't
need to be restricted to porting from Linux!  Sun already may have programs
to assist commercial customers in porting from other vendor's flavors of *nix;
this should fit well with them, and where possible may have some material
in common.

My thinking is that whether I'm considering Solaris, or already have it,
I want application availability that approaches the union of Linux, *BSD,
and all commercial *nix flavors.  That greatly increases the utility of
Solaris to the end user, and highlights its advanced features and benefits.
It also gives Solaris more of a workout, providing the opportunity to find
and hopefully fix bugs faster.
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