To me, it sounds like you lost the ground...
Where are you? On Mars? So, how is the craters? :-)

Have you ever noticed that GNU/Linux is everywhere?

I'm still not so sure in bright OpenSolaris future because of 2 main
non-thechnical reasons:

a) mind set shift (GNU/Linux => */OpenSolaris) might not happen at all
or will take too much time to happen and than GNU/Linux will close the
gap on server side too. And people like you will scare existing
GNU/Linux user base which is very bad for OpenSolaris community in

b) SUN Microsystems still do not care to explain their oficial position
on CDDL vs. GPL compatability issue in terms of shipping GPL apps on
single media as Solaris Express, Nexenta, BeleniX and others do or will
do. This is purely publiciy thing, but it *must* be clarified ASAP. So,
users will not be afraid to jump on OpenSolaris-based distros.

In regard to (b). One simple thing SUN could do is to dual license SUN
libc as GPL and CDDL. The way FreeBSD, Mozilla and many others resolved
it. This will immediately resolve publicity issue.

But at the same time I *LOVE* OpenSolaris and very much would like to
continue on conquer existing GNU/Linux users hearts and believe in our
final success!


On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 07:46 -0800, UNIX admin wrote:
> > As J.S. mentioned before, in the future we should
> > expect at least 2
> > types of OpenSolaris-based distros:
> > 
> > a) GNU-centric, those who trying to re-use GNU/Linux
> > as much as possible
> > 
> > b) Solaris-centric, those who trying to mimic Solaris
> > as much as
> > possible
> > 
> > But I'm hoping that both (a) and (b) will be *much
> > more* compatable than
> > any two distros in GNU/Linux world. And the reason
> > for my hope is that
> > we are using the same "Least Common Denominator"(LCD)
> > - OpenSolaris(tm)
> > which is not just a kernel but userland too and
> > developed under the
> > single roof. In my sense, LCD will preserve
> > inter-distro compatability.
> That is unlikely to happen, although I hope that Moinak G. will make it 
> possible.
> Why? Because someone who really knows and understands UNIX won't give GNU 
> five minutes. GNU is all about the hype and brute force and none of the 
> quality/snandards.  UNIX people (and don't tell me that there are no "UNIX 
> people"!) that could bring it together will spring for b) because they know 
> that's the right way of doing things (sorry, but that's just the way it is).
> Those who don't yet know UNIX and have "grown up on GNU diet" as Moinak puts 
> it (rightly so), will be pushing for GNU.  With a few notable exceptions, 
> those people don't have the necessary experience to bring it all together 
> properly, and if they keep pushing GNU, they're not likely to get that 
> experience either.
> So, with a few exceptions, things will stay as they are.
> I can't really say that I'm sorry about that, GNU tools are very poor in 
> every respect. I'd much rather be using Sun Studio compilers than GCC, for 
> example.  Good/usable/quality applications from GNU land will find their way 
> into Solaris.
> Yet, there is some hope left.  If Solaris attracts critical enough mass of 
> developers (and it looks poised to do so), those people may start using 
> Solaris as their main development platform.  This, I hope, would eventually 
> lead to extinction of GNU in its present form.
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