Robert Glueck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 3. So far the discussion has only been about Solaris 10 or
> OpenSolaris.  What about new distros such as Nexenta and
> BeleniX that retain only the Solaris kernel and core
> libraries?  Pure Solaris is renowned for its stability;
> part of the reason presumably is the fact that Sun Q/A
> applies to every single aspect of the entire OS.  Does this
> quality and stability necessarily carry over into a hybrid
> OS with Solaris kernel and GNU utilities, applications,
> etc.?  Potentially such an OS could be incredibly buggy and
> unstable, completely negating the advantages of a very
> stable Solaris kernel, couldn't it?  Can such a hybrid
> indeed be made as stable as Solaris itself?

If the GNU tools do not replace the Solaris tools, this would
be no problem ;-)


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