Thanks for the quick reply Robert.

>TN> - assuming a zpool in 2 disk mirror configuration on which one or more ZFS 
>TN> reside would it be possible to do the same trick? I understand that we 
>TN> could export the pool and import on two different machines and fix the 
>TN> 'missing mirror part' afterwards. But is there a way to get a similar 
>TN> thing done on ONE machine?
>Why not to use snapshots? They are persistent regarding to reboots
>(which is not a case in UFS).

Snapshots only solve half of the problem as they don't allow a mirror to 
be broken up and each part being treated independently. For anything else 
you are of course right

>Keep in mind that ZFS on-disk format could possible still change from
>version to version (or maybe it's frozen right now after it went
>public - ???).

That's my hope too. Of course we won't move all our mail spool and home 
directories to ZFS as long as no official statement from Sun ensuring that 
the format is frozen


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