Darren J Moffat wrote on 02/01/06 05:05:
On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 12:40, Al Hopper wrote:

Perhaps Name Services could exist as a project, rather than as a community.
My concern, at this time, is the proliferation of OpenSolaris Communities,
and this is why I'm reluctant to form one more.

I disagree on this one.

There are man projects within the umbrella of "Naming Services",
for example: NIS, NIS+, LDAP were are created as projects when
they were built at Sun.

There are currently at least 3 distinct projects running at the
moment that will fit into a Naming Services community (I'll let
Anup name them since I'll probably get it wrong being an interested
outsider rather than a team member). The project teams are different
in each case but have member overlaps.

Yes, as Darren points out, we have multiple projects (Sparks, Reno,
Winchester, etc.) which fit under the Name Services "umbrella."
A community would be useful to discuss all things related to
Naming. Once we have a community setup, we can provide more information
on the current projects under Naming.

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