We just started the content project and I would really encourage people to
get involved with this.  I know that there are a lot of projects here but
I really feel that getting information out to people is vital to the
future success of OpenSolaris.  I think the world as a whole isn't really
getting what's really going on here.  For example, just last Information
Week just had one of those is Unix dead articles.  When I see all of the
innovation going on here the real question should be are all the other
OS's dead?   I would argue that Solaris has more innovations recently than
any OS has seen in the past twenty years and Solaris has got to be the
best professional grade OS out there now.  Also the fact that this has
become open source is pretty amazing.  It has become obvious that this is
not just another marketing gimmick from Sun.  This has never been done
before.  There is a really a revolution going on here and it is almost
like it is some kind of  secret.  So if you feel like me, let's do
something about it.  What needs to be done is to educate people.  Once
they use OpenSolaris and understand it they'll be hooked.  After all I am
not a Sun employee or their shill.  I am just someone truly excited about
what is being done here.  I am a Java Developer and I have not been this
excited about an OS since I moved from DOS to OS/2.

The Content Project I see is one of the best ways we can get people to get
into OpenSolaris.    Solaris has always had a steep learning curve and we
can work on that.  Educating new people is something anybody who cares
about OpenSolaris can and should get involved with.   If you agree the
head over to the content project and help.  The obvious thing is that we
need people to write content.  It isn't that hard and is a great way to
get recognized.  We also need reviewers, maybe you don't have the time or
skills yet but your sure will have something to offer by helping the
authors with your comments.  Again it isn't hard and gets yourself

So who's with me?

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