Rich Teer wrote:
I respectfully disagree, and from an outsider's perspective, Dennis
is right.  Until I read this 2 minutes ago, all I knew was that there
was some legal issue with build 31+, but no details.

The lawyers really hate us publically stating "We distributed build XX
in such a way that we violated our license with _______, and had to stop."
If ______ didn't notice yet, we'd be sending their legal department a
free case of ammo to fire at us, and not really helping anyone anyway.

Other than morbid curiosity, does knowing which component is resulting
in legal delay help anyone outside Sun?   There's nothing you can do
with that knowledge, just wait as long as you would have knowing that
somewhere in SX there's a legal problem waiting to be solved by Sun.

(I will agree that better status updates on how long you have to wait
 would be a good thing.)

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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