On Sat, Mar 18, 2006 at 12:38:27PM +0100, Frank van der Linden wrote:
> But, touting the limit is kinda pointless if the current limit is well 
> below it.. I've never run NetBSD/amd64 on more than 4CPU/16G, and it 
> might blow up spectacularly when run on 32CPU hardware, should it become 
> available. The RH 64 limit is just marketing..

I don't know of an actual x86_64 system with 64 cpus, but the Unisys E7000
series is supported with up to 32 (single core) Cpus with both RedHat and
SuSE and works well (although not officially supported) with normal mainline
kernels.  As they probably plan using dual core Xeons that 64 Cpu will
probably be readched with real hardware soon.  On the ia64 side there's
hundreds of machines in the range from 64 to 128 in the field from sgi
that run normal SuSE or seldomly RedHat, and there are some 256 and 512
cpu machines with plain SLES9 in the field aswell.

So this isn't just marketing, machines of that size do become more or less
common these days.

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