On 5/20/06, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is no Solaris driver for Jack anyway. Yet. ;-)

Apparently so.

Not apparently so, definitely so.

> And Jack is really not crappy at all. The design is
> actually quite
> clean and elegant. it is based on operating system
> specific loadable
> modules.

That's an oximoron: how can the design be clean if it is "based on operating system 
specific loadable modules"?

Given the implementation problem at hand, which Jack Audio attempts to
solve, which is: implementation of an operating-system independent
real-time audio server, and associated API library, which publishes a
common, public interface, and hides the operating system- and
hardware-dependent implementation details. The use of dynamically
loadable modules, which hide the operating system- and
hardware-dependent functionality, but publish to the  common, publicly
available API, achieve just that. For example, if you are running Jack
Audio on FreeBSD, the modules for OSS or ALSA are not needed, and will
not be loaded. Your hypothetical software, which makes use of Jack
Audio's public API, will only know about Jack Audio's public API. You
don't care what operating system it's running on, or whether your user
wants to use OSS, ALSA or Solaris /dev/audio backends. You allow the
user of your software to choose which audio back-end to use. You don't
need to worry about which dynamic module to load. Your software
subscribes to the Jack API, and Jack Audio takes care of the rest.
This translates into your software having cleaner, and more
maintainable code.

In OO-land, this is called encapsulation and polymorphism.


Stefan Teleman
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