Kaiwai Gardiner wrote:
And with ODF and XPS (from Microsoft), is PDF relevant any longer?

You (and others suggesting this) are kidding, right?

Even *if* XPS turns out to be much more feature-compelling then PDF, there are several too-large obstacles:

1) Even if new documents start to be produced in XPS format, there are too many existing PDFs you'll still want to view.

2) ODF doesn't count, since it doesn't guarantee documents will render identically, which is most of the selling point of PDF. PDFs normally cannot be edited, which is also part of the point for many people.

3) There are a ton of existing platforms and tools (many, used by "creative professionals", written by Adobe and Apple) which are heavily geared to creating PDFs. You may need to wait a while before these create XPS...

4) And of course, if XPS becomes successful, Microsort is just as likely as Adobe to extend the format and drop support for less-common OS's.

OTOH, Apple shows that it's possible to live without Acroread, given that the default PDF viewer on MacOS X is an Apple program called "preview", not Acroread.

It's true that there are a few things that preview can't handle - mostly editable PDF forms and things like different page transition types used by things like Photoshop PDFs. But it shows it *is* possible to ship an OS with a different PDF viewer. Provided you dedicate the people to make this work of course.


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