Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was talking to the NetBeans guys from Prague at JavaOne, and they are 
> very interested in OpenSolaris and in doing some stuff with our Czech 
> OpenSolaris user group. So, perhaps we -- as communities -- can start 
> collaborating in some way ... at least to meet each other initially and 
> start talking. I don't think Sun has given up on Europe, obviously, but 
> perhaps it's time to make some noise in Europe. To me, "old" markets 
> become "new" markets when you have a new community changing the dynamic 
> and offering options.

There seem to be big interest in Prague but please note that there
are only about 5 Million Czech people while there are 80 Million Germans.

I believe that there is not enough noise about OpenSolaris in Germany.


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