On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Christoph Hellwig wrote:

On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 11:59:27AM +0000, Frank Hofmann wrote:
On the other hand, the request for lsof in Solaris is anything but new,
and the reference to pfiles, the mentioning that lsof does "nasty digging"
in the kernel's intestines as a reply is neither, and the arguments that
the output format is different, the system load of pfiles is higher, lsof
is "common operator knowledge", ... - all that isn't new either ...

Note that lsof doesn't have to do kmem craling.  For example on Linux
it only uses proper procfs interfaces.  As such proper interfaces seem
to exist on Solaris as well for use with pfiles it shouldn't be a problem
for people knowledgeable in this area to adjust lsof to do the right
thin on Solaris aswell.

I know. That's all in the RFE I've referred to anyway. Just noone has done it yet. Maybe because Solaris developers know the "Solaristics" and don't miss "lsof" overly much. Again, personally, I can get what I want with pfiles and a bit of scripting; but thinking about e.g. having to write such a script portable between Solaris and Linux, admittedly, that'd be a pain, and that's where the usefulness of "lsof" comes in.


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