James Carlson wrote:
> Peter C. Norton writes:
> > I think he wants to be able to add a flag, i.e. -nssvc nis, -nssvc
> > dns, -nssvc 'ldap', etc. to getent that will dlopen the appropriate
> > nss_blah library instead of following the lookup in nsswitch.conf so
> > that the lookup to a particular database can be scripted.
> Better yet, being able to specify the search order explicitly from the
> command line would be extremely helpful in answering "what if?" sorts
> of questions.
> It sounds like part of a decent RFE to me.

Ouch... and how would the implementation look like ? The idea was to get
simple access to the data independent of the backend nameservice
details, e.g. a script should not need to implement support for YP,
NIS+, LDAP etc. seperately. Adding those switches would make this MUCH
more painfull to implement since we could no longer use any library
functions and instead have to do our own lookup code in /usr/bin/getent
... and that's AFAIK an overkill...



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