Erast Benson wrote:
On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 09:57 -0800, John Plocher wrote:
As Dennis, Casper and others have said:  What is the problem that
dual licensing is trying to solve?

one little problem... to become a major OSS community out there.

And today, after 1.5 year of our existence we are still a minority
(community-wise), and unfortunately, this is true. Just open b56
changelog and try to find how many people outside of Sun contributed to
it to happen? None or one! And I bet Sun would like to increase outside

Which changelog ?

Are you looking at all consolidations or just ON ? ON I'm told only makes up about 20% of Sun's Solaris product and probably even less of a distro like Nextana I suspect.

I take your point though it would be great to have more, I'm just not personally convinced that a license change is what will change that because I don't think the license is what that problem is.

Darren J Moffat
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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