All - as discussed, we have enabled anonymous pull on the project, and
we're definitely open to community contributions to the project.

I put some ideas on the project home page under "Development
Opportunities" of things which would be useful, such as power
management, drivers, library and kernel optimizations.


----- Forwarded message from "James C. McPherson"

Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 17:11:20 +1100
From: "James C. McPherson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Re: [osol-announce] Intel Project going live
To: Glynn Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Sherry Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Open Solaris <>

Glynn Foster wrote:
>Hi Sherry,
>Sherry Moore wrote:
>>The Intel Project is now live at
>>It is a collaboration site for enhancing Solaris performance on Intel
>>platforms, enabling and utilizing new features on Intel processors,
>>accelerating driver availability, and other development efforts for
>>making Solaris the Unix operating system of choice on Intel platforms.
>>Discussion will take place on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Please see project page for details.
>I realize that you may be unable to answer these questions, but there's
>of things that kind of bug me a little bit -
>       o Core Developers Mailing List
>         Subscription is restricted to people doing actual
>          coding or reviewing. Is this based on a social
>         restriction of wanting a list of good technical
>         content, purely legal that we can't talk about the code in
>         public, or otherwise?
>       o onnv-intel: Anonymous push/pull is disabled. You must
>          either be a leader of this project (or a committer for the
>          onnv-intel repository) to push/pull.
>Neither of which feels very inclusive, and suggests that quite frankly,
>project might not be a good fit for *open* I'd love to hear
>perspective on this, and why you made the decisions you did.

Agreed. Given Bryan's questions to OGB candidates last week
it does make me wonder.

Sherry: can we have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing
list as well, and leave the list(s) hosted at
as fully open?

Re the hg repo, could we have named pull rather than a blanket
"you must be blessed" restriction?

James C. McPherson
Solaris kernel software engineer
Sun Microsystems

----- End forwarded message -----

Sherry Moore, Solaris Kernel Development
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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