On 06/04/07, MC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Ian Murdock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > isn't true at all, but many potential users will
> never get past
> > "When I hit backspace, I get ^H--Linux hasn't done
> that since 1995!"
> This kind of nonsense was what I did see after I did
> publish Schillix,
> the first OpenSolaris based distro. These people are
> just to uninformed
> to know that they are talking about a property of
> bash and not one of the
> OS.

Is it really nonsense?  If you build a product for a user, and the user doesn't 
like it, is it their fault or yours?

If I buy a Hyundai Elantar (small four-door sedan) and try to use it
to haul four tons of rock, it is my fault or Hyundai's?

Not to be too silly, but I have never bought the argument that because
software doesn't do what a user expects it to, that it is somehow the
designer of the software's fault. Good software is designed with
specific goals and needs, just because it doesn't meet everyone's
goals and needs does not make it broken or faulty.

Solaris was designed to meet specific goals and needs, just because it
doesn't meet someone else's specific goals or needs does not mean it
is faulty :)

"Less is only more where more is no good." --Frank Lloyd Wright

Shawn Walker, Software and Systems Analyst
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://binarycrusader.blogspot.com/
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