ken mays <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As stated before, it seems we need the hardware and
> specs available to the right software engineers that
> will provide the solution.
> 1. Sony has a workstation (130G, $1500 USD) and
> Blu-Ray drives (BWU-100A and BRU-100A (external)).
> 25GB Blu-Ray disks cost about $17 USD and the 50GB
> drives cost about $35 USD.
> 2. The HD-DVD 15GB disks cost about $14 USD.
> So maybe provide an OpenSolaris/Solaris 10
> with a retrofitted Sony BWU-100A/BRU-100 Blu-Ray
> for remote development purposes and move forward
> this project???? 
> I have immediate access to the hardware - if needed.

What do you like to tell us here?

Do you like to tell me that I should buy a drive and
give it to others?
This sounds silly.


No, why would you do that unless you're being very
generous this time of year?!? Xmas is only a few
months away...

I was asking if you needed immediate access to a
Blu-Ray drive and/or workstation for development
I'd gladly donate some funds for hardware if you're
willing to provide the solution.

Yet, we seem to have multiple requirements. Do we need
a GUI tool as well?? A patch to a tool like Gnomebaker
or some other tool for GUI desktop usage?

Ken Mays
EarthLink, Inc.

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