> I wouldn't call this organized marketing, I'd liken
> it more to 
> grassroots or guerrilla marketing. The difference
> being that it isn't the marketing department driving
> some agenda, it is 
> simply a development group pushing
> awareness of their own work on the world. I'd also
> argue that most 
> corporate based blogging falls under this
> category. And most open source developers are
> probably just as proud to 
> get their "products" out in the open.

I find it simply phenomenal that I can now communicate *directly* with the 
kernel engineer responsible for the project, product or technology in 
(Open)Solaris. It's thrilling, to me anyway, that I don't have any *layers* of 
"communication" in between. I can discuss and share my concerns and interests 
directly with the person responsible and involved, and I can learn a lot too! 
On top of that, engineers and therefore products benefit directly from 
interested parties' feedback.

What better way to make Solaris, and OpenSolaris a better product than to be 
able to directly listen to your users, team members, and ultimately, customers, 
without any *interpretation* from someone in the middle? It's great, great, 
great! And did I mention that it's simply great?
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