Brian Gupta writes:
> > > What if someone were to attempt to reverse engineer the kernel
> > > interface for Linux strictly by reading what is available on the web.
> > > (Commentary)
> >
> > Doable in theory, probably worthless in practice given the kernel
> > interface churn.  No DDI == no reason for stability.
> I don't think it is worthless, because another OS (OpenSolaris) could
> freeze the interface at a certain kernel interface and make it a
> secondary DDI. (You can pretty much always find drivers for 2.4 right?

Over any reasonable time span?  Probably not.

I wouldn't stop someone else from doing it if they felt they were
doing some good, but I'd be extremely dubious of the results.

> And it has the added benefit of allowing third party developers to
> compile there drivers on OpenSolaris without any GPL worries.

Yep.  I'm not a lawyer, either, but I see no reason why that part
would be a problem.

> P.S. - It may end up being more trouble than it's worth, but it is
> definitely not useless.

I'd say that "more trouble than it's worth" is one of the key
components of uselessness.  :-/

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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