Brandorr wrote:
> On 9/28/07, nospam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) project had released XO Laptops for the public 
> > using G1G1 ("Buy 2 Get 1").
> > One laptop will be sent to the buyer, another laptop will be sent to a 
> > child in developing country.
> >
> > Unfortunately the XO AMD Geode LX laptops is different from other laptops:
> > 1. There is no BIOS inside the laptop.
> > 2. There is no VGA/EGA/CGA mode.
> > 3. Non standard boot procedure.
> > 4. Nobody knows if it is possible to boot the laptop from external CD-Drive.
> > 5. Ordinary / off-the-shelf OpenSolaris can't run on this laptop. Linux run 
> > on XO with patched/modified kernel.
> >
> > Is it possible to port OpenSolaris to XO laptops?
> > Who can do this project?
> > Thank you.
> Not happening. You only have 1G of storage. Solaris would need some
> serious trimming to fit. (And maybe compression). With 256M of RAM it
> would be crazy..

Why ? I only have 256MB in my Ultra5 and crafted most of the
ksh93-integration stuff on that machine. And disk space shouldn't be a
big problem since much stuff can be trimmed, redundant stuff removed
(e.g. the extra libc, 64bit stuff, includes etc.), Xserver linked
statically etc.



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