Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Nicolas Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 05:56:49PM +0100, Joerg Schilling wrote:
>>>> Or you could rename your compare to something else that conflicts
>>>> neither with the existing cmp(1) nor the new compare(1) (yes, it came in
>>>> before yours and now you're not happy; c'est la vie).   ecmp, fcmp, ...
>>>> four letters long is better than seven -- less typing.
>>> If someone starts to use a name that has been in use since 20 years before, 
>>> this
>>> entity needs to change the name to something that does not conflict.
>> It happened.  Oh well.  Now you might want to finish the task of
>> integrating star before someone appropriates that command name for
>> something else...  :/
> This does not depend on me as I am ready and waiting sice quite some time.
It completely depends on you.  The community is not going to beat a path 
to your door demanding to integrate star.  You have to make the 
proactive measures to integrate your work via the process that everyone 
else in the community is using.

Nobody ever got married by sitting at home doing nothing waiting for the 
perfect spouse to come waltzing through their front door.


stephen lau | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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