Moritz Willers wrote:
> On 29 Jan 2008, at 22:59, Derek Cicero wrote:
> > Please find the links to SXCE Build 81 at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  The SDLC has changed how the downloads works.
> >
> >   Now you choose the Platform first and then see a list of all
> >   the downloads (CD and DVD).
> >
> > I believe I fixed all the old links so they now point to the right
> > place, but if you have trouble please send a note to website-discuss
> > and
> > I'll make any corrections.
> >
> > Also, for anyone using the old
> >
> >  /os/downloads/sol_ex_dvd/
> >
> > shortcut on your blogs, it will still work for a while but I will
> > remove
> > it after Build 85. The new shortcut is
> >
> > /os/downloads/sol_ex/
> Thanks a lot for posting.  I find that new technology on the SDLC
> quite annoying.
> It used to be possible to copy/paste the URLs from the laptop (non
> Solaris) to the server (Solaris) and then wget the files straight onto
> the server where I needed the iso image (I do the Live Upgrade
> straight from the iso, never burn to DVD (save the trees or something
> like that)). The URL used to contain all authentication information
> necessary, now all that gets hidden away into cookies that I cannot
> easily copy over.
> I always found this obsession to have to use to web browser to get to
> the updates annoying, oh that damned click do accept the license ...,
> but I suffered it. I so wish everyone within Sun would have to go
> through that same web page to get to the iso and I bet it would be
> changed to lend itself more easily to automation!

Erm... if that's true then this needs to be escalated within Sun
1. Lots of FireFox versions shipped with Solaris have the annyoing bug
to eat memory for large downloads and crash when the system runs out of
memory - which means a simple 512MB machine (assuming no swap) will be
_unable_ to download the 1GB DVD segments.
2. IMO it should be allowed to use "wget" for download and not force
users to rely on either a memory-hungry browser which needs to stay open
the whole night or some "fancy" java-based download helper tool which
consumes similar insane amounts of memory

BTW: What is the justification for changing the authentification from
URL sessions to HTTP cookies ?



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