Dennis Clarke wrote:
>     The orignal intent, the message and the soul of OpenSolaris way back
> in the days of the pilot group and even before, was to have a
> community which operates and feels like an open source group. With
> input and valuable contributions being *possible* from a world of
> people. With ease. A lot of people outside of the OpenSolaris
> operation feel we have missed the target.

Projects/communities like docs, sfw, sfe, pkg and others are very easy 
to contribute to and have a very low barrier to entry.

Last year, I found the pkg project, and I can tell you right now that it 
felt like and still feels very much like an open source project. 
Patches go to the mailing list, discussions happen there, and all the 
bug tracking is done on

There are many great community groups and projects to contribute to with 
relative ease for those that are truly interested...

As far as I'm aware, the only project that is onerous to contribute to 
is ON.  As you might have noticed, ON finally transitioned to Mercurial, 
and direct, external commits are coming soon (if not already here for a 
limited number of individuals?).

Sure, there's still quite a few things that need to happen, but I'd say 
"we're on the road to victory."

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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