On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 9:43 PM, Bill Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Johan Hartzenberg wrote:
>> cediag will put its results into the messages file if scheduled, or print
>> a report on the console if executed manually.  Whether you run it manually
>> or scheduled via cron you in any case have to monitor the messages file, as
>> you should be doing as part of best practices in any case.
> Um, what's the current best practice on how to do that?

I said many things in that paragraph.
The best practice on cediag is to run it via crontab.  Note: cediag should
not cause your system to "freeze up"... I'm guessing you have huge logs and
a single-core system?  The assumption is that the system "freezes up"
because it is CPU bound.

The best practive on Monitoring the messages file is to have operators
working shifts with consoles which show alerts as they happen and ideally
some mechanism to assist them in knowing which messages are meaningful and
which ones requires action.  In addition, you should have documented daily
maintenance/check procedures for Sys Admins, part of which should be to
review messages in log files.

> In the olden days I could start up a console window that would display
> all the messages logged to the console.  Now the messages just go into
> the log file.

You still can do this.  /etc/syslog.conf controls which messages goes to the
console, which is generally very little these days.

To test:
open a console window:
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -C &

Then produce a test alert:
logger -p user.alert THIS IS A TEST.

This should show up in the above dtterm window.

> Is there a tool to display messages from the log file and alert me
> when there's an issue I should be paying attention to?

There are many such tools.  Look toward BMC Patrol, CA Unicenter/TNG, etc.

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   Arthur C. Clarke

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