C. Bergström wrote:
> Shawn Walker wrote:
>> * Review: The primary constraint in the past for contributions was 
>> people to review and commit contributions.  As you might have noticed, 
>> the ON gate moved to mercurial not long ago, and community members 
>> outside of Sun should have commit access soon (if not one or two 
>> already?).  Dropping a patch on someone's doorstep and then expecting 
>> someone else to cleanup their work isn't very nice.
>> * Testing: there are always going to be developers that don't want to 
>> take the extra time and effort to test their code or don't have the 
>> necessary resources.  The test farm and build farm now at 
>> opensolaris.org help alleviate this a great deal, but this is where a 
>> contributor needs to ask for help from others.  The standards for 
>> integration into OpenSolaris are high, but they are there for a reason.
> Ok.. So lets use a real example... What should I do with this?  Of 
> course I could clean it up, but before that... where does it go?
> configd/object.c
> 326                                 //v = (uint32_t *)((caddr_t)str + 
> TX_SIZE(*v));
> 327                                 v = &str[(v[0]+3)&~3];
> 646                 /* bp += sizeof (uint32_t) + TX_SIZE(value_len);*/
> 647                 bp += sizeof (uint32_t) + (value_len+3)&~3;

You follow the instructions here:


>> I don't have a problem with the idea, but the implementation, in my 
>> view, is somewhat less desirable.
> How? Why?

Simply put: a project that doesn't have a process for contribution is 
one subject to the winds of fate (legal, bugs, etc.).

Shawn Walker
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