

Irek: I'm setting the Reply-To: to opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
... I would be really nice to keep the "stone throwing" out of the
ksh93-integration-disc...@opensolars.org list - we're trying to get
technical stuff done in this list and not rant about the history of
Solaris or throw slime around (or do flamewars, license discussions
(like "CDDL/CPL are evil, GPL is the only true choice" etc.) etc.).

"I. Szczesniak" wrote:
> On 2/18/09, Peter Memishian <peter.memish...@sun.com> wrote:
> >
> >   > Reverse course and restore Sun's innovation-unfriendly attitude? Sun
> >   > really has become what I consider the executor of the System V legacy,
> >   > leaving the implementation of innovations to the competition.
> >
> >
> > This has nothing to with System V legacy.
> This has something to do with Suns inability to innovate. Sun failed
> to innovate the command line utilities for 17 years. Now Roland came
> up with innovations and as soon as the first reports about fixable
> bugs appear you demand a pull-out.
> > This has to do with putting our
> >  energy into our most important problems.
> Tell me, what was the last innovation Sun introduced to the command
> line utilities? Which energy did Sun invest into these commands in the
> past?

Please stop this generalised "stone throwing". Many many people at Sun
helped with the project - remeber that without the help from people like
April Chin this project wouldn't even exist, others helped with the ARC
cases, tesing and the code and people like Peter provided very valueable
input and bug reports.
And Sun did invest lots of time and money getting the POSIX commands in
Solaris maintained, updated to conform to the POSIX standard, keeping a
very high quality standard (which is not easy to match with a new
codebase - even getting the AST tools (which were very good from the
beginning) to the same level took many many months) and finally getting
ksh93 integrated into OS/Net.

> He who is innocent shall throw the first stone.

I don't know whether the following is a quote from the bible... but:

Could we please continue to cooperate and not try to tear each other
into pieces ?



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