> Here's a quick dump on how to get Solaris 10 and
> OpenSolaris
> on the same rpool.
> ttp://blogs.sun.com/mrj/entry/solaris_10_and_opensolar
> is_on

Thanks for the plug, will give it a try.

ps.  Currently, I have Sol10 installed on the bare metal and OpenSolaris on an 
external drive, as my improvisation of  a quick and dirty dual-boot.  (This 
arrangement, that the latter is on a portable drive, says a lot about what I 
think of the quality of the OpenSolaris LiveCD-based system; my sincere thanks 
to the OpenSolaris developers for having taken all the heat and finally killed 
the SXCE stream--I have a feeling that this is actually done with Chairman 
Larry's blessings.  I love SXCE, but we need to concentrate on--& hopefully 
force the Solaris old guards to participate in--something that has a future.)
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