>> SMF is already filled up with so much stuff that at a
>> certain point, it starts to become overwhelming from
>> a sysadmin persective just to parse through the
>> output of svcs -a and now the goal is to add even
>> more stuff to it by getting rid of scripting during
>> package installation and offloading all of that stuff
>> to SMF as well! Jeepers creepers this is going to be
>> tough to admin!
>> SysV packages had shell scripts in them, or at least
>> I think they did, but then again I'm no UNIX expert.
> this may help

For some reason, "package scripts" were apparently "very bad".

Unfortunately, it seems that the cure is worse.

There are two parts which I really detest:

        - all the additional scripts are run at boot; they do take time
          and much more than you realize because they are all run with
          a cold cache (i.e., all the files needed needed to be found and
          loaded; a few of the "startup-scripts-only-needed-after-a-package
          was-update" run find.

        - "svcs" is now nearly useless: you can't see the forest for the 

I think this clearly needs some architecture applied to it.

There are some issues with IPS also; it takes a lot of memory
(500 to 1500MBs) and it's a lot slower than SVr4 package install.
(On an Ultra 40 with 5GB, it takes about 80 minutes to install 
"redistributable" from a local package server.  That's more time
needed to install SXCE and the latter installs more software [25 minutes].

(Yes, I do use "redistributable" having to continuously add extra
packages cost more of my time than the local bandwidth: I believe this
is a fair comparison; both were installed from a local server over a
100Mbit net and install a similar amount of software)

While "memory is cheap" it makes IPS not scale to multiple concurrent
zones and makes it impossible to fit on small memory systems (2GB seems
to be the minimal if you want to install redistributable)

Clearly, serious work needs to be done and I suppose it is good that 
everyone in the Solaris engineering community is now forced to use IPS.


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