>Using an Osol b 133 nfs server.  When working from a linux client I
>sometimes see files like: .nfs0000000000002def00000002 
>                          .nfs0000000000002f6b00000001
>Appear on the filesystem as I'm working... any attempt to remove them
>(from the linux client) fails, with the message:
>   (file-error Removing old name Device or resource busy
>   /projects/reader/perl/mapping/.nfs0000000000002f6b00000001)
>What are these?

When a file is unlinked by an NFS client but the file is still open,
the client actually renames the file and later removes it after the file 
is closed.  (It is created by the client and it shoul be removed by the 
client; the client makes sure you don't remove it)


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