>Dear All,
>Having enabled pam_list in /etc/pam.conf I can then happily control who can
>log on via ssh and that works fine.
>HOWEVER, once pam_list is included in /etc/pam.conf then console logins ALL
>fail with messages such as
>Apr 30 11:32:55 phoenix login: [ID 825731 auth.error] dlsym failed 
>pam_sm_authenticate: error ld.so.1: login: fatal: pam_sm_authenticate: can't 
>find symbol

You didn't properly use pam_list.  pam_list(5) says:

       other   account requisite       pam_roles.so.1
       other   account required        pam_unix_account.so.1
       other   account required        pam_list.so.1

specifically it is important to use "account" and *not* auth.


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