
Friday 13th August 2010 is really a sad day for Open Source community... :(

Le 13 août 2010 à 17:40, Alasdair Lumsden a écrit :

> Hi All,
> This memo was circulated internally within Oracle (and subsequently
> leaked). Basically, the open source development model has now been
> axed and OpenSolaris is officially now dead. A very sad day indeed.
> Solaris Engineering,
> Today we are announcing a set of decisions regarding the path to
> Solaris 11, and answering key pending questions on open source, open
> development, software and binary licenses, and how developers and
> early adopters will be able to use Solaris 11 technology before its
> release in 2011.
> As you all know, the term “OpenSolaris” has been used colloquially to
> refer to any or all of a collection of source code, a development
> model, a web site, a logo, a binary release, a source license, a
> community, and many other related things. So it’s taken a while to go
> over each issue from an organizational and business perspective, and
> align on the correct next step. Therefore, please take the time to
> read all of the detail here carefully. We’ll discuss our strategy
> first, and then the decisions and changes to our policies and
> processes that implement that strategy.
> Solaris Strategy
> ———————-
> Solaris is the #1 Enterprise Operating System. We have the leading
> share of business applications on Solaris today, including both SPARC
> and x64. We have more than twice the application base of AIX and HP-UX
> combined. We have a brand that stands for innovation, quality,
> security, and trust, built on our 20-year investment in Solaris
> operating system engineering.
> From a business perspective, the purpose of our investment in Solaris
> engineering is to drive our overall server business, including both
> SPARC and x64, and to drive business advantages resulting from
> integration of multiple components in the Oracle portfolio. This
> includes combining our servers with our storage, our servers with our
> switches, Oracle applications with Solaris, and the effectiveness of
> the service experience resulting from these combinations. All
> together, Solaris drives aggregate business measured in many billions
> of dollars, with significant growth potential.
> We are increasing investment in Solaris, including hiring operating
> system expertise from throughout the industry, as a sign of our
> commitment to these goals. Solaris is not something we outsource to
> others, it is not the assembly of someone else’s technology, and it is
> not a sustaining-only product. We expect the top operating systems
> engineers in the industry, i.e. all of you, to be creating and
> delivering innovations that continue to make Solaris unique,
> differentiated, and valuable to our customers, and a unique asset of
> our business.
> Solaris must stand alone as a best-of-breed technology for Oracle’s
> enterprise customers. We want all of them to think “If this has to
> work, then it runs on Solaris.” That’s the Solaris brand. That is
> where our scalability to more than a few sockets of CPU and gigabytes
> of DRAM matters. That is why we reliably deliver millions of IOPS of
> storage, networking, and Infiniband. That is why we have unique
> properties around file and data management, security and namespace
> isolation, fault management, and observability. And we also want our
> customers to know that Solaris is and continues to be a source of new
> ideas and new technologies– ones that simplify their business and
> optimize their applications. That’s what made Solaris 10 the most
> innovative operating system release ever. And that is the same focus
> that will drive a new set of innovations in Solaris 11.
> For Solaris to stand alone as the best-of-breed operating system in
> Oracle’s complete and open portfolio, it must run well on other server
> hardware and execute everyone’s applications, while delivering unique
> optimizations for our hardware and our applications. That is the
> central value proposition of Oracle’s complete, open, and integrated
> strategy. And these are complementary and not contradictory goals that
> we will achieve through proper design and engineering.
> The growth opportunity for Solaris has never been greater. As one
> example, Solaris is used by about 40% of Oracle’s enterprise
> customers, which means we have a 60% growth opportunity in our top
> customers alone. In absolute numbers, there are 130,000 Oracle
> customers in North America alone who don’t use our servers and storage
> yet, and a global customer base of 350,000 (the prior Sun base was
> ~35,000). That’s a huge opportunity we can go attack as a combined
> company that will increase Solaris adoption and the overall Hardware
> server revenue. Our success will also increase the amount of effort
> ISVs exert optimizing their applications for Solaris.
> We will continue to grow a vibrant developer and system administrator
> community for Solaris. Delivery of binary releases, delivery of APIs
> in source or binary form, delivery of open source code, delivery of
> technical documentation, and engineering of upstream contributions to
> common industry technologies (such as Apache, Perl, OFED, and many,
> many others) will be part of that activity. But we will also make
> specific decisions about why and when we do those things, following
> two core principles: (1) We can’t do everything. The limiting factor
> is our engineering bandwidth measured in people and time. So we have
> to ensure our top priority is driving delivery of the #1 Enterprise
> Operating System, Solaris 11, to grow our systems business; and (2) We
> want the adoption of our technology and intellectual property to
> accelerate our overall goals, yet not permit competitors to derive
> business advantage (or FUD) from our innovations before we do.
> We are using our investment in core Solaris innovation and engineering
> to drive multiple businesses, through multiple product lines. This
> already includes our Solaris operating system for Enterprise, and our
> ZFS Storage product line, and will soon include other Oracle products.
> This strategy is all about creating more value from a set of common
> software investments: it makes everything you do more
> valuable and used by more people worldwide. It also means you as an
> individual engineer or manager have an even greater responsibility to
> understand the broader business and technical contexts in which your
> engineering is deployed.
> Solaris Decisions
> ————————
> We will continue to use the CDDL license statement in nearly all
> Solaris source code files. We will not remove the CDDL from any files
> in Solaris to which it already applies, and new source code files that
> are created will follow the current policy regarding applying the CDDL
> (simply, that usr/src files will have the CDDL, and the very small
> minority of files in usr/closed might not have it). Use of other open
> licenses in non-ON consolidations (e.g. GPL in the Desktop area) will
> also continue. As before, requests to change the license associated
> with source code are case-by-case decisions.
> We will distribute updates to approved CDDL or other open source-
> licensed code following full releases of our enterprise Solaris
> operating system. In this manner, new technology innovations will
> show up in our releases before anywhere else. We will no longer
> distribute source code for the entirety of the Solaris operating
> system in real-time while it is developed, on a nightly basis.
> Anyone who is consuming Solaris code using the CDDL, whether in pieces
> or as a part of the OpenSolaris source distribution or a derivative
> thereof, would therefore be able to consume any updates we release at
> that time, under the terms of the CDDL, LGPL, or whatever license
> applies.
> We will have a technology partner program to permit our industry
> partners full access to the in-development Solaris source code through
> the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). This will include both early
> access to code and binaries, as well as contributions to us where that
> is appropriate. All such partnerships will be evaluated on a
> case-by-case basis, but certainly our core, existing technology
> partnerships, such as the one with Intel, are examples of valued
> participation.
> We will encourage and listen to any and all license requests for
> Solaris technology, either in part or in whole. All such requests will
> be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but we believe there are
> many complementary areas where new partnership opportunities exist to
> expand use of our IP.
> We will continue active open development, including upstream
> contributions, in specific areas that accelerate our overall Solaris
> goals. Examples include our activities around Gnome and X11, IPS
> packaging, and our work to optimize ecosystems like Apache, OpenSSL,
> and Perl on Solaris.
> We will deliver technical design information, in the form of
> documentation, design documents, and source code descriptions, through
> our OTN presence for Solaris. We will no longer post advance
> technical descriptions of every single ARC case by default, indicating
> what technical innovations might be present in future Solaris
> releases. We can at any time make a specific decision to post advance
> technical information for any project, when it serves a particular
> useful need to do so.
> We will have a Solaris 11 binary distribution, called Solaris 11
> Express, that will have a free developer RTU license, and an optional
> support plan. Solaris 11 Express will debut by the end of this
> calendar year, and we will issue updates to it, leading to the full
> release of Solaris 11 in 2011.
> All of Oracle’s efforts on binary distributions of Solaris technology
> will be focused on Solaris 11. We will not release any other binary
> distributions, such as nightly or bi-weekly builds of Solaris
> binaries, or an OpenSolaris 2010.05 or later distribution. We will
> determine a simple, cost-effective means of getting enterprise users
> of prior OpenSolaris binary releases to migrate to S11 Express.
> We will have a Solaris 11 Platinum Customer Program, including direct
> engineering involvement and feedback, for customers using our Solaris
> 11 technology. We will be asking all of you to participate in this
> endeavor, bringing with us the benefit of previous Sun Platinum
> programs, while utilizing the much larger megaphone that is available
> to us now as a combined company.
> We look forward to everyone’s continued work on Solaris 11. Our goal
> is simply to make it the best and most important release of Solaris
> ever.
> -Mike Shapiro, Bill Nesheim, Chris Armes
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

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