So any bets/pools as to what happens to all the materials in

Does it just evaporate down a black hole (Imploded Sun?!)?

Does it become an "archived for posterity" link off of OTN?

What of all the old archives, mailing lists, pkg repositories, etc?

I assume the Solaris 11 Express pkg targets will change from to OTN?

Not unexpected, just disappointing...

So, do we all pick up our sandbox toys and move to Illumos? Becoming 

Never did get the onnv-gate stuff to actually compile under 134.

Hopefully the Solaris 11 Express will be like the Solaris Express's of old/lore.

I had hoped the distributions would have remained open to Murcurial without 

I wonder if this is what Gosling meant in his blog a few days ago?

Alas poor OpenSolaris, we hardly knew Ye...

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