hello budy

i will follow your request.
current newest-online installer will only suggest a reboot.

up to now i will always publish a newest release of napp-it first. if nobody is 
reporting major problems it will become the default release some days later to 
have this quite stable.

one more point:
what should be done next:

my priority is:
run napp-it as user nappit
virtual webserver share-management (each with different user)  
otionally running napp-it with another webserver (lightpd) not on port 80

and (lower priority)
run AFP Server with AD-User (i have just googled about, but not found jet a 
really simple howto or doing without installing samba/winbind). im new to this 
pam things.

If anyone have a solution (netatalk with Active Directory -or LDAP-integration 
on Opensolaris, please post) 

this will be the next step for napp-it to be the most sophisticated free ready 
to run nas-server appliance outside the enterprise market -  this is what i 
want to reach with it.

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