Monday, January 31, 2011 General Notes

   - Welcome Wolf! He will be our UX resource at 50% - which is at least
   150% more UX resource than we have now.
   - MMOTD: Oz

Team Status
 Merov Linden


   - STORM-749 : Alpha in KDU: Did extensive tests with a hacked
   premultiplied implementation. Results were unimpressive in perf and quality
   (see JIRA for details). Resolved as "Won't Finish".
   - STORM-937 : Path to python in /scripts/*.py file inconsistent : Done.
   Moved to review.
   - Bunch of internal meetings and demos


   - STORM-746 : KDU Improvements: Compress j2c with precincts
   - Triage JIRA in preparation of tomorrow's sprint planning meeting
   - Take over MM from Oz?


   - none

Oz Linden


   - Merge Monkey
   - Got list of problems to be solved w/ autobuild before merge
   - Clarified line ending issue in Coding Standard (unix style only)
      - fixed many DOS line endings
      - created tool to track down who committed DOS line endings
      - sent dunning notes to offenders
      - Got Jonathan to start wiki page on how not to do it
   - My Office Hour


   - Merge Monkey
   - Try to fix using autobuild with VS Express
   - Create a viewer autobuild usage wiki page
   - Meet with Team Chopper about opendev tools issues
   - Create new project for tools/build-process issues?


   - none

Q Linden


   - travel recovery
   - meetings
   - crashhunters


   - crash hunting and debugging
   - meetings
   - bring wolf on board with process and background


   - none

Grumpity ProductEngine


   - crashhunters
   - PO approval requirements
   - meetings
   - found victim for STORM-526 (inventory questions)


   - determine sprint goal for sprint 11
   - sprint review
   - prepare for sprint planning
   - crashhunters bizzaro
   - continue prod others to resolve my impediments


   - none

Paul ProductEngine


   - BUG STORM-507 (User that has sent p2p call invitation to other user, is
   not added to Recent tab)
      - Fixed and sent for review.
   - BUG STORM-680 (Avaline callers are added to the Recent list)
      - WIP. Cant't work on this bug constantly because iCall service
      available periodically.


   - BUG STORM-680 (Avaline callers are added to the Recent list)
   - BUG STORM-655 (mismatched filter extension in snapshot floater (jpeg vs
   jpg) )


   - none

Seth Productengine


   - Story (STORM-526) Log out failure during Login causes loss of pending
   offers, including inventory.
      - Reading new comments and logs submitted by users. The problem is
      still unclear for now.
   - BUG (STORM-316) Debug: Inventory.Folders by Name/Sort by Date/Sort by
   Name/System Folders to Top Do not apply and settings changes do not persist
   after relogging.
      - Fixed according to Q's latest comments.


   - Pick other issues from sprint 10.


   - BUG (STORM-379) Content permissions aren't refreshed in the "Buy copy
   of" floater.
      - Should it be resolved as expected behavior or what should be the
      expected behavior in more details.
   - Story (STORM-526) Log out failure during Login causes loss of pending
   offers, including inventory.
      - Need help from a person familiar with inventory code.

Vadim Productengine


   - Task STORM-2 (Customizable viewer layouts):
      - Investigating code written by Andrew.
   - Bug STORM-610 (Changes to Environment Editor: water color change is not
Submitted my fix.
   - Reviewed fix of STORM-643 (Mini-map in the nearby people tab).


   - Work on STORM-2 issues (mentioned in the ticket and in opensource-dev).


   - Bug STORM-465 (Missing Strings from strings.xml):
Waiting for Q to provide code-related feedback.

Andrey ProductEngine


   - proceeded with regression testing of the latest v-d build, see
   - reported 10 issues into VWR


   - pick up next Beta build or proceed with regression testing of v-d


   - list of issues which PEQA cannot verify

Jonathan Yapp


   - Updated wiki page and created new one per Oz's request:
      - (new)
   - VWR-24621 (Accidental Self-Muting/Self-Blocking)
      - I found the area where the trouble is but did not know how to
      implement a fix. Left comment in jira.



   - Oz, pick either my wiki page or yours, no need to have this duplicated.
   - STORM-435 (There is no space between name of object and value of object
   in Chat step while creating new gesture)
      - Done, but has not yet been processed through the system.

Wolfpup Lowenhar


   - Worked @ RL .
   - STORM-236 : waiting for Oz's suggestions.
   - Attended Oz's OH.
   - Tested new Autobuild system for OS Devs and provided feedback.


   - Work @ RL
   - VWR-24256 : continue to monitor. I see this still happening even with
   my latest build.


   - STORM-236 : waiting for Oz's suggestions.
   - Not enough time to actually work on code.

Cummere Mayo


   - jira followups of snow and vwr issues
   - lots jira organization of voice failure issues
   - lost sl job
   - working on guest blog entry re storm-2 rumors
   - testing viewer dev builds
   - sketches for accordion replacement feature request


   - more jira work
   - attending office hours
   - getting feedback and revising on


   - time
   - sick (again)
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