
On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 02:14:16PM +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:
> Has this issue come up more often in the RIPE related Open source projects
> (BIRD, Quagga, OpenBGPD, XORP, DHCP, RRDtool, ntop and Nagios, ???), that
> the working group wants to take this on?

As we discussed in the WG session, these questions come up in many
open source projects here and there - not necessarily escalating to
"a new developer is frustrated and goes away", but having a good
guideline document is helpful for maintainers and projects that haven't
really thought much about giving credits yet.

The RIPE open source WG is not really constrained to "RIPE related projects"
either, RIPE is just the forum where the group happens to meet.

(I'm one of the maintainers of OpenVPN, and I found the discussion very
useful - we've had our share of credits not properly attributed - not out
of malice, but out of "lack of thinking" combined with "rushed release")

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
have you enabled IPv6 on something today...?

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