Hello all,

This week, in lieu of a presentation, we will be viewing the documentary "Citizenfour" (2014).

Citizenfour is a 2014 documentary film directed by Laura Poitras, concerning Edward Snowden and the NSA spying scandal. The film had its US premiere on October 10, 2014, at the New York Film Festival and its UK premiere on October 17, 2014, at the BFI London Film Festival. The film features Snowden and Glenn Greenwald, and was co-produced by Poitras, Mathilde Bonnefoy, and Dirk Wilutzky, with Steven Soderbergh and others serving as executive producers. Citizenfour received critical acclaim upon release, and was the recipient of numerous accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 2015 Oscars. -- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4044364/

We are very excited to be able to use this opportunity to further help our members understand the impact that this incident continues to have on tech in this era. Students who were around in Spring 2016 will remember that Snowden spoke to the student body that year, upon the release of the feature film that dramatized the events surrounding the incident. This is not that film. This is Laura Poitras' first-hand documentary of her meeting and initial interactions with Snowden. In many ways, this is more powerful than anything Hollywood could cobble together - real life usually is. We hope you enjoy the film.


-- The Open Source Club Officers


Events Around Campus

1. *AI Club:* Kelly Denny is a data research scientist with more than a
decade of experience in the field. She is the Principle Data Scientist
for Illumination Works, an IT consulting company specialized in creating
structures for big data and analytics models. More info coming soon!

Monday February 19th , 7:30-8:30pm, Hitchcock 031

2.*Rockwell Automation Tech Talk**: *Rockwell Automation, #13 on Forbes
list of America's Just companies, provides solutions that help optimize
almost every aspect of facility design. Come join BDAA to hear from
their Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) team and see how they are
also leveraging analytics to serve customers in a variety of industries!

When: Thursday February 15th, 6:15-7:15pm
Where: Hitchcock Hall 035

3. *ACMW Quiz Bowl:* Join the ACMW for their annual Quiz Bowl!

When: Wednesday, February 21st, 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Baker 198

4. *ACMW: *Pal-entines Day Social
Wednesday, February 14th  | 7:00 - 8:00 pm | @ Baker 198
Take a break from midterms and come and hang out with us for a
Pal-entines Day Social! *Insomnia Cookies will be provided*

5.*ACMW:* Northrop Grumman Dinner
Thursday, February 22nd | 6 - 8pm | @ Baker 188
Join ACM-W, Buckeye Hackers, Electronics Club, Cybersecurity Club and
FEH by attending the Northrop Grumman Evening in Engineering Event!
Northrop Grumman will be providing dinner and will have multiple
employees give tech talks on many different topics. There will also be
plenty of time to network and make some great connections!
If you are interested, please fill out the form!

6. *SASE: Professional Development Conference:*SASE (Society of Asian
Scientists and Engineers) is a young organization that started in
September 2008. Join SASE for their Professional Development Conference,
Feb. 17th. They’re bringing in some great companies, and may have Amazon
join in. Click here for the flyer.

The Open Source Club at The Ohio State University


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