>Currently V3 extension support is almost absent.

We've done almost all of what you're suggesting:
typedef struct x509_extension_method_st
    int nid;
    void (*clear)();
    int (*get_bool)();          //  used if extn is ASN1_BIT_STRING
    int (*set_bool)();
    int (*get_str)();           //  used if extn is ASN1_STRING or array of them
    int (*set_str)();
    char *(*get_struct)();      //  used if extn is constructed type
    int (*set_struct)();
    ASN1_OCTET_STRING *(*a2i)();
    int (*i2a)();

We've integrated this into the X509 code (i.e., for Certs and CRL's), as
well as
the req and ca apps.  For example, here's a snippet from a config file:
        [ gto_root_extensions ]
        keyUsage = critical|nonRepudiation|digitalSignature|keyCertSign
        certificatePolicies =
        basicConstraints = critical,TRUE
        authorityInfoAccess = id-ad-ocspResponder,http://www.gto.com/ocspv1

(We've got a good chunk, but not all, of the PKIX extensions implemented.)

We'd love to see this code adopted by the project.  We've held back from
being public
before because we were waiting to hear back from Eric -- we wanted to avoid
and architecture skew.  But since things are open right now...


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