appro> Just to make it clear. Are you going to pass the union by
appro> reference of by value? You have to pass by reference which is
appro> equivalent to what I proposed, but without unions. Passing by
appro> value would be wrong and compiler should complain.

As you have probably seen by now, I don't pass around any unions at
all, I just use them as instruments to convert pointers.  You see, I
absolutely wanted to keep binary compatibility for now, or we would
see a lot of things break silently all over the place, since most of
these things happen in places where regular char pointers are passed
as parameters as well (the diverse _ctrl() functions, for example).

But it's very possible that we can make things more elegant, and also
more complicated.  We most apparently have pointers "of variable
type", which basically is a union.  For those parameters, we could
simply enforce the use of a union, and provide a few macros to make it
easier to handle.  (oh, and yes, before you ask, in my min that union
would be passed around by reference :-), but then we have the problem
of handling temporary instances nicely)

appro> >  DEC C will complain.

appro> Shall we bet:-)

Nope, you were right about that one.

Richard Levitte   \ Spannvägen 38, II \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Redakteur@Stacken  \ S-161 43  BROMMA  \ T: +46-8-26 52 47
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