Passes on:
OpenSSL 0.9.5beta2 27 Feb 2000
built on: Sun Feb 27 15:56:50 MET 2000
platform: hpux-parisc-cc
options:  bn(64,32) md2(int) rc4(ptr,int) des(ptr,risc1,16,long) idea(int) 
compiler: cc -DTHREADS  -Ae +O3 +ESlit -z -DB_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV2W -DMD32_XARRAY

and (this time also checked):
OpenSSL 0.9.5beta2 27 Feb 2000
built on: Sun Feb 27 15:58:10 MET 2000
platform: hpux-parisc-gcc
options:  bn(64,32) md2(int) rc4(ptr,int) des(ptr,risc1,16,long) idea(int) 
compiler: gcc -DTHREADS  -O3 -DB_ENDIAN -DBN_DIV2W

(but beware: ws01 25: gcc --version yields 2.7.2 and yes, I know its old :-)

Best regards,
Lutz Jaenicke                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BTU Cottbus               http://www.aet.TU-Cottbus.DE/personen/jaenicke/
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Elektrotechnik                  Tel. +49 355 69-4129
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus              Fax. +49 355 69-4153
OpenSSL Project                       
Development Mailing List                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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