Lutz Jaenicke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> 1. When loading CAfile data, SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() returns 0,
>    even if certificates are available (and did work with 0.9.4).
>    There are no errors on the error stack to be printed, so I would have
>    to trace through the code to find the reason.
>    As of know, my software will understand the return value 0 as error
>    indicator and will abort; in s_server.c etc, the return value is only
>    used for possible printout of errors and otherwise silently ignored.

Where does this return value 0 come from -- i.e., what happens in
X509_STORE_load_locations (in crypto/x509/x509_d2.c)?  Does
X509_load_cert_crl_file (in crypto/x509/by_file.c; this is what
X509_LOOKUP_load_file is based on) return 0?
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