Hi,Would you please talk more about the crypto object
 in the Netscape javascript?I want a detailed reference of it.

As to IE,I have collected the answer from this maillist long time ago,
I would like to share it,again.And I still wonder what other function 
the xenroll object(or other object) offer.

I am looking for some way to sign and verify signature, encrypt and decrypt data
 in IE and Netscape browser, not by ActiveX.
List:     openssl-users
Subject:  Re: apply cert from browser
From:     Thomas Reinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:     2000-04-30 13:56:05
[Download message RAW]

For Netscape, checking the tag <KEYGEN>.

For IE, check the object XENROLL, as in the following



You create the key pair and request with VBscript - this should be 
called when user has entered the data and tries to submit the form:

    ' Construct DN
        DN = "C="+country+"+O="+org+"+CN="+cn+"+EMAIL="+email
    ' Set the xenroll properties
        xenroll.providerType     = 1        ' Microsoft
        xenroll.providerName     = "Microsoft Base Cryptographic
        xenroll.HashAlgorithm    = "MD5"    ' or "SHA1"
        ' xenroll.KeySpec          = 2      ' AT_SIGNATURE
        xenroll.KeySpec          = 1        ' AT_KEYEXCHANGE
        ' Make your pick here :)
        ' xenroll.GenKeyFlags      = 1      ' CRYPT_EXPORTABLE 
        ' xenroll.GenKeyFlags      = 2      ' CRYPT_USER_PROTECTED
        xenroll.GenKeyFlags      = 3

    ' Create the request 
        request = xenroll.CreatePKCS10(DN, "")
        TheForm.pkcs10Request.value = _ 
        "-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" + _ 
        CHR(13) + _ 
        request + _ 

This will give you a vanilla PEM-formatted PKCS10 request that you can 
submit and process in a CA of your choice, getting back a cert. 


The cert must be included in another VBscript routine on the page that
installs the certificate. Like this: 

  Sub INSTALL_OnClick
    Dim sz10
sz10 = _
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" & _
.. your certificate here.. 
"whateverisinyourcertxxxLB3B+01hWzjyYqWoLpp6y3gNbIzLSnHcD59pNpho8" & _
"8t37wrgh4g3+Hxq6Pvfm3zbY//qDnw==" & _

    xenroll.DeleteRequestCert = TRUE  
    xenroll.WriteCertToCSP = true
    if err.number <> 0 then
      result = MsgBox("Bad luck, error code " & err.number, 0, "Error")
      result = MsgBox("You got lucky today!", 0, "")
    end if
  End Sub

Cheers, Thomas

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tridib, Mumbai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 6:18 PM
Subject: Key genration in IE

> Hi all,
> Please help me. My problems are as follows:
> 1. I have generated key pair in Netscape (at client side) and then subsequently I 
>have created Certificate (at server side) using -SPKAC option of "ca" command i.e 
>signing the request with root private key. This works fine. My problem is how can I 
>generate the key pair in IE and then create certificate using openssl like what I 
>have done in Netscape.
> Has any one done this? Please help me. I need your help despaerately - I tried a lot 
>using actiovex etc.
> 2. In case of signing a text in Netscape, there is no problem- crypto.signText() of 
>Java Script works fine and the output is PKCS#7 object. I can also verify at the 
>server using "verify" command of OpenCA.
> Could You please tell me how can I sign a text in the IE such that ouput will be 
>PKCS#7 object?
> 3. If I have a crypto API which can generate a hash of a data and then sign it using 
>the private key of the certificate, then is it possible to output a PKCS#7 
>signed-object?If yes, How it can be done.
> Please help me.
> Thanking you in advance,
> Tridib
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