Dror wrote:
> The disadvantages (in VC environment) are:
> 1.)  that the memory leaks report appears in two places: the leaks
> occurred in the application (with the file name and line number)
> together with those occurred in OpenSSL (without the file name
> and line number ) on the debug output window and those of
> OpenSSL in a specified BIO (even in a BIO that writes into debug
> output window, it is not very convenience, since it will be written
> twice).
> 2.) The windows programmer can not compile a debug version that
> will give this quit important information per default and in a way that
> he use to detect the leaks (that could be very usefull also in bug
> reports).


I'm afraid I don't really know whether this will actually help or not,
but it would seem that the CRT is unable to locate debugging symbols
(ie. file name and line number) in your OpenSSL lib/dll.

The OpenSSL win32 debug builds by default use the /Zi compiler flag
which places symbolic debugging information in a program database (PDB).
I normally change this to /Z7 which places the debugging information
into the object files and executables themselves, since I've experienced
debugging problems similar-ish to yours in the past stemming from the
fact that Visual Studio has been unable to locate the PDB files, and
thus the debug symbols.


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