
>Take a look at the source code for OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms().  For
>each cipher there is a block of code to initialize it.  Simply
>initialize the ones you want in your code.  There is no requirement
>that OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() be called.
The problem is that as this are COMponents I can't to know from where they will be 
called, so althought I put a single cipher initialization in one place of my code, 
some other component can also to initialize the same cipher in other place and then 
the problem remains.For example, I have a component to do signing and other to do 
SSL.And both must do some kind of algorithm initialization, because they can also be 
called separatedly (sorry for my english,I mean they can be called alone).
So its very difficult to know if you have put too much initializations or not.  

>Although, I would be interested in where the exception is being
>generated.  Since you are in a debugger, can you present the stack
>trace for libeay32.dll when built with debug info?
I will try it on Monday again.But what I see is only a lot of hex addresses and no 
back trace.It is as if crash had corrupted also the stack.I don't know...The variables 
and all seems OK just one step before the OpenSSL_add_all_algoritms().

thanks again

Pablo J. Royo

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