
as the readers of the openssl-dev mailing list already may have discovered,
I am currently in the process of setting up a Request Tracker (using RT2
from http://www.fsck.com/) for the OpenSSL project.
The request tracker is already up and running (see

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] address is already redirected to the request
tracker. Error reports sent to this address (or to [EMAIL PROTECTED])  are
recorded in the request tracker and forwarded to the openssl-dev mailing list.
Correspondence sent to one of the addresses with the [openssl.org #4711]
marker in the subject are added to the recorded correspondence and are
also forwarded to openssl-dev.

The setup is not yet completed.
* Currently there is no control on requestors being allowed to add a new
  request. After openssl-bugs was redirected, several SPAM emails immediatly
  popped up. I have installed an additional anti-SPAM rule to my postfix
  configuration, that indeed helped to catch several of these f*cking
  asian SPAM mails, but not all of them (and it wouldn't catch ASCII SPAM
  anyway). This problem is well known to RT2 users and examples are available
  (e.g. using procmail) on how to set up systems, so that mail for new
  requests must be confirmed by the requestor (just like mailing list
  I still have to set up such a system and test it. For the time being, I am
  moderating the input to the request tracker, so please allow for some
* Requests do stimulate discussion on openssl-dev and should be recorded in
  the ticket. Until now only correspondence sent to openssl-bugs (or rt)
  is recorded. There shall be an automatic gateway that will handle this
  problem. It is also not set up, yet. Sorry.
* Currently RT2 is running at my old university site in Cottbus. As I also
  support encrypted login via https (of course it is supported :-) and
  virtual hosts don't work via https, the official name "www.aet.tu-cottbus.de"
  is being used. On the long run, this shall be cleaned up (e.g.
  rt2.openssl.org). The server being located in Cottbus also means, that
  reliability is a little bit reduced, as mails sent to openssl.org will
  first be processed there (at ETH Zurich), then be forwarded to Cottbus,
  the reaction will be sent back to the list manager in Zurich...
  Unfortunately the OpenSSL project is not equipped too comfortable with
  computer and internet resources.

As the system is not yet fully operational, I consider it good enough to
send a semi-offical announcement for now. The system will have its test
during the upcoming 0.9.7 beta phase :-)

Best regards,
Lutz Jaenicke                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BTU Cottbus, Allgemeine Elektrotechnik
Universitaetsplatz 3-4, D-03044 Cottbus
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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