On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 01:24:32PM +0300, Arne Ansper wrote:

> [...]               what if some standalone application thinks that the
> best solution for _its own_ problems is to reboot the machine? (happens
> all the time under the windows btw, you install some crap and the
> installer happily reboots your system). for me it's not different if some
> library thinks that the best solution for _its own_ problems is to kill
> the application. the application must have a control.


>                                                       if the internal
> error (it would be correct to call them bugs, btw) happens

When in internal error happens, this is because of a bug, but the
internal error is not the bug.  A bug is a property, not an event.

>                                                             application
> must get this information and then it's up to the application to deal with
> it. if it's simple commandline tool it can call abort by itself. if its
> complex application it might unload the openssl and reload it later. or
> save its state and restart. only application knows what the right thing to
> do is.

Also only if the application sees an error message, it has the
opportunity to write this message to a logfile.  With 'abort()', all
you know is that the program is no longer running, but you usually
have no idea why this happened.

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