The current code is pretty ineffective. Since select() only tells you that at
least 1 byte is available, you still need to do a read to determine how many
bytes are actually there. Given that the descriptor is already open
non-blocking, this would probably be better:

--- rand_unix.c.O       Thu Nov 28 00:08:40 2002
+++ rand_unix.c Wed Apr  2 01:15:22 2003
@@ -164,33 +164,25 @@
                        int r;
                        fd_set fset;

-                       do
+                       r=read(fd,(unsigned char *)tmpbuf+n,
+                              ENTROPY_NEEDED-n);
+                       if (r > 0)
+                               n += r;
+                       if (n < ENTROPY_NEEDED)
                                FD_SET(fd, &fset);
                                r = -1;

-                               if (select(fd+1,&fset,NULL,NULL,&t) < 0)
-                                       t.tv_usec=0;
-                               else if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fset))
+                               if (select(fd+1,&fset,NULL,NULL,&t) == 1)
                                        r=read(fd,(unsigned char *)tmpbuf+n,
                                        if (r > 0)
                                                n += r;
-                                       }

-                               /* Some Unixen will update t, some
-                                  won't.  For those who won't, give
-                                  up here, otherwise, we will do
-                                  this once again for the remaining
-                                  time. */
-                               if (t.tv_usec == 10*1000)
-                                       t.tv_usec=0;
+                                       }
-                       while ((r > 0 || (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN))
-                               && t.tv_usec != 0 && n < ENTROPY_NEEDED);

I removed the loop; I doubt another one or two milliseconds will make any
difference if it fails to fulfill the original read requests.

  -- Howard Chu
  Chief Architect, Symas Corp.       Director, Highland Sun     
  Symas: Premier OpenSource Development and Support

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