Those were great replies. Thanks Lev and Geoff.
Guess I'll have to put more thought into this.
Thanks again,

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Geoff Thorpe wrote:

> On November 19, 2003 07:16 pm, Swaminathan P wrote:
> > I have a question anout the use of sequence number as a part of the
> > input to the hash function during the MAC calculation. Does that
> > security concerns? Would the security aspects of theSSL be affected if
> > the sequence number is not used as a part of the input to the  hash
> > funtion for MAC calculation?
> As Les pointed out, this helps detect replay (or removal) attacks. It also
> forces the underlying transport to be reliable and ordered, so that the
> SSL/TLS encapsulation in turn presents what appears to be a reliable and
> ordered channel to the user of the protocol. For example, it doesn't stop
> you trying to run SSL/TLS over something like UDP that does not these
> sorts of guarantees, but this aspect of the SSL/TLS protocol will allow
> you to detect (in theory) if the packets arrive out of order or don't
> turn up at all. It will not *recover* from such problems though, so this
> sequence number trick is simply to verify reliability of the transport,
> without providing any recovery mechanism if the ordering and reliability
> assumptions aren't met.
> But there's two far more fundamental problems with trying to bypass this
> ordering issue anyway. (1) the ciphering used to en/decrypt the payloads
> of SSL/TLS records (after the initial handshake has agreed parameters) is
> typically stateful, so if you get records duplicated, removed, or
> out-of-order, then en/decryption will start misreading all subsequent
> records as senseless noise. (2) during a handshake or a renegotiation,
> the "finished" messages use MAC calculations over *all* the previous
> handshake messages *in order*. Note that "all" and "in order" mean that
> if you lose reliability during the handshake or renegotiation phase, you
> get the SSL/TLS equivalent of a "carrier disconnect" - no amount of
> sequencing logic in the application protocol will matter as this
> corruption in the handshake protocol will prevent application protocol
> data from being exchanged anyway.
> Cheers,
> Geoff
> --
> Geoff Thorpe
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