
I think you can have a look at zencod engine (ossl 0.9.7x) which should be in 
demo/engines/zencod openssl source tree.
We use EVP for xDES, RC4, MD5, SHA and we have now include AES.

Ho this could help.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Ioannis Liverezas
Envoyé : vendredi 25 juin 2004 12:11
Objet : using DES hardware with openssl

Hi everybody.

I want to use a DES ECB/CBC encryption/decryption hardware with openssl. I 've already 
built a linux driver that writes to and reads from the device, and also provides 
device control, such as setting the keys, ecb or cbc mode, initialization vector for 
cbc. The driver is tested and working fine. Now, I want to modify the openssl library, 
so that it can take advantage 
of the hardware and the
driver. Looking inside the library's code, I got completely lost. Please somebody tell 
me where I should make the necessary changes. I suppose, what I need is:
 -  find the suitable place to open the hardware device
 -  set encryption algorithm on the device (ecb, ecb3, cbc, cbc3)
 -  pass keys (for DES/3DES, CBC/3CBC)  to the hardware (in pairs of 
integers for each key) and cbc IV if needed
 -  substitute software encryption with hardware, using commands like 
read(int fd, char *buf, int size)
     and a corresponding write
 -  when to close the device
Do I need somehing more than the above to make it work?
the library should "talk" with the hardware with the typical commands of 
a character device, such as open, close, read, write, and
some ioctl commands. Of course I can change the driver if needed. The driver  is 
designed  in  such a way, that it can handle multilpe 
connections and events, such as change of keys, encryption mode etc. Each connection 
is assigned its own instance of the driver.

thanx in advance

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