In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, 23 Jul 2004 09:53:08 +0200, Oliver Welter 

mail> One Idea is, not to store the full key but the derived chunks
mail> and produce some "noise" around the parts - so you are unable to
mail> read the whole key. Using your "approach" to try every piece of
mail> memory as a key will render unusable because you now must try
mail> every combination of three randon pieces of memory - I think
mail> this will significantl raise the computing time into infinity ;)

That is an idea, and it does raise the computing time, for the
decryption function itself as well, at least as far as I can see right

OpenSSL doesn't make much effort to lock pages in RAM and doesn't
split up the key in parts as you suggest, so the keys are wide open
while processing is going on.  If you use the EVP interface, all the
cipher data is cleaned up with EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(), basically by
being overwritten with random bytes.  In all other cases (if the raw,
low-level cipher functions are used), it's the application's job to
clean up.

The easiest thing to do would probably be to do the splitting in
chunks that you suggest.  The trouble is that all OpenSSL structures
are entirely public, which means that any change leads to yet another
round of incompatibility and people who're whining about changed APIs
and such.  Still, it might be worth looking into...


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